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Thoughts after the surgery

환자와 함께 걸어가는 부천대성병원 소아기형·왜소증클리닉입니다.

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[English] Just because they are not satisfy the surgery in China they ..

조회수 81

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[ The story about Chinese patient who had been undergone the surgery by Dr. Songhaeryung at Gurohospital]


   I am John. I am from china… From the beginning, I was very concerned regarding my short stature. As average height of male in China, mainly in the big cities, is about 170 cm. To accomplish my dream to get longer, in 2009 I got operated in china and leg lengthening operation was done. In about 1 year, my height increased from 161cm to 167cm.But still I feel that my height is not up to mark. As the surgery was done only for lengthening of lower legs and not the thigh, I felt very uncomfortable, I felt imbalance while walking. I was not comfortable wearing shorts during summer, as my legs look awkward. So, 1year ago, I started thinking of another surgery had for lengthening of my thigh also.

   Although that process of lengthening was very painful, I still wanted to go through another surgery. Finally I made up my mind and in March I got admitted in a good hospital in Beijing. I paid my operation fees, waiting for my turn in the ward. Although it was a well-known hospital for these type of surgeries, but still I was not sure and was fearful in getting it done there. And finally my fear did not allow me to get operated in that hospital. I felt very frustrated, because I thought I was preparingfor this thing for a very long time and I have worked very hard to pay for this surgery, I don’t want to get it done where I am not confident about the results. So, at moment I decided to give up surgery at that center.

   I knew that now I cannot get operated in China, as I don’t have any more options, so I started enquiring about the hospitals famous for this kind of surgery out of China. From the site “make me taller”, I knew that in Korea university medical centre, Professor Song can make this operation. I came to know about Professor Song, working atKorea University Guro Hospital. He is an expert and can carry out this operation. It seems to be a very large and specialized hospital. Professor Song served who is serving as a chief operating surgeon for limb lengthening and he had a very high achievements and vast experience in the limb lengthening surgeries. So, I contacted Dr. Professor Song and his assistant Dr. Park (an excellent and enthusiastic young surgeon). They promptly replied to me with grate warmth and invited me to the hospital for further queries. They gave me contact number of there Chinese fellow, named Dr. Wangfor ease of communication. So, I started my communication with Dr. Park and Professor Song fellow Dr. Wang via email. (Dr. Wang, he is from Shanghai, has come to Korea for higher studies under guidance of Prof. Song).



*Because of the limited upload to post please click on the attachment to open the rest of the files. Can vividly see the glance of the story.

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